
Presentatie van de Oratie van Prof. dr. ir. Kreijns:

Oratie Frank de Jong: Kennis in(ter)-actie. 

Dalsgaard, C. (2016). Students’ educational use of Facebook groups. Educational Media International, 53, 261-273.

Huiskamp, M., Vrieling-Teunter, E., & Wopereis, I. (2017). Het leren van studenten in leernetwerken faciliteren. OnderwijsInnovatie, 19(3), 30-33.

Kachani, S. & Thuladhar, S. (2019). Colleges need to build digital quads to support social learning for online students. Edsurge. Retrieved from: 

Nijland, F., van Amersfoort, D., Schreurs, B. & de Laat, M. (2018). Stimulating Teachers’ Learning in Networks: Awareness, Ability, and Appreciation. In S. A. Yoon & K. J. Baker-Doyle (Eds.), Networked by design: interventions for teachers to fevelop social capital (pp. 152-173). New York, United States: Routledge. 

Nijland, F., van Bruggen, & de Laat, M. (2017). Kennisbenutting in het onderwijs: Een literatuurstudie. Expertisecentrum Beroepsonderwijs: den Bosch.


Radović, S., Firssova, O., Hummel, H. G. K., & Vermeulen., M. (2020). Strengthening the ties between theory and practice in higher education: an investigation into different levels of authenticity and processes of re- and de-contextualisation. Studies in Higher Education, 1-16. Retrieved from

Robbers, S. (2020).

Vivian, R., Barnes, A., Geer, R. & Wood, D. (2014). The academic journey of university students on facebook: An Analysis of informal academic-related activity over a semester. Research in Learning Technology, 22, 1-16.

Vrieling-Teunter, E., Hebing, R., & Vermeulen, M. (2020). Student welfare through involvement and networked learning in primary teacher training. Paper presented at the biennial meeting for the Networked Learning Conference, May 18-20, in Kolding, Denmark.