
Boekpresentatie Prof. dr. Frank de Jong & Prof. dr. Marjan Vermeulen 

Bridging the Imaginary Research and Practice Gap by Responsive Learning

Kennis constructie in online CSCL: de rol van social presence - Prof. dr. Karel Kreijns

Social presence: Conceptualization and measurement. 

Netwerkgeletterdheid - dr. Femke Nijland

The networked student

Studentfacilitering in (blended) leernetwerken: Hoe komen we tot gezamenlijke kennisontwikkeling? - dr. Emmy Vrieling

Design principles to support student learning in teacher learning groups

Student motivation in teacher learning groups

Ondersteuning tijdens online samenwerken - dr. Sabrine Hassan

Regulation and socio-emotional interactions in a positive and a negative group climate

Socio-emotional conflict in collaborative learning—A process-oriented case study in a higher education context

Succesvol samenwerken in praktijkgericht onderzoek - dr. Niek van den Berg

Samen onderzoekend werken in het mbo. Praktijkboek voor docenten

Keynote - Advanced visual interfaces for a multi-layered dialogue towards professional development in vocational education door Prof. dr. Alberto Cattaneo

The ‘Erfahrraum’: a pedagogical model for designing educational technologies in dual vocational systems