


Dr. Ellen Rusman is universitair hoofddocent, ontwerper en onderzoeker bij het Welten-instituut van de Open Universiteit. Zij doet onderzoek naar samenwerkend-en netwerkleren, het aanleren van vaardigheden en het ontwerpen van technologisch ondersteunde naad-en draadloze (‘Seamless’) leertrajecten waarin lerenden, zowel op scholen als in werksituaties, hun leerervaringen in en tussen contexten verbinden. Ellen heeft sinds 1998 een ruime ervaring in nationale en internationale projecten rondom de toepassing van technologie in het onderwijs opgebouwd (bijv. weSPOT, CEFcult, COOPER, PREATY, LTfLL), gaf advies en deed workshops voor verschillende opdrachtgevers en publiceert in (inter)nationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften.

Christian Rapp has worked in the area of instructional technology since 2002. His main interests are in developing and implementing teaching innovations combined with complementary research. He was PI of several international and interdisciplinary projects, including implementing teaching innovations in Eastern Europe (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation), and use of Social Media in Higher education (EU-funded, www.socialmediaforeducation.org), and is currently PI of the base project of the Seamless Learning project. Since 2015, along with the project’s partners, he has been developing “Thesis Writer”, an interactive system supporting the learning and instruction of academic writing, which is currently being further developed within the Seamless Writing project. Christian Rapp is based at the Centre of Innovative Teaching and Learning, in the Zurich University of Applied Sciences’ School of Management and Law.


Luci Gommers is a PhD student at the University of St. Gallen. She studied Instructional and Educational Sciences at the University of Antwerp. Afterwards, she started to work on projects concerning higher education development and research. Her PhD project is on the student perspective on Seamless Learning in Higher Education and particularly on student participation in educational design processes to design Seamless Learning environments.


Marcelo Milrad is a Full Professor of Media Technology at LinnaeusUniversity (LNU) in Sweden. His current research interests include theareas of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), advanced human-computer interaction and novel uses of Big Data techniques and mobile technologies in the fields of Education & Health Care. Dr Milrad is also actively involved in a new cross-faculty initiative at LNU together with colleagues at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities called Digital Humanities. Professor Milrad conducts his research in very close collaboration withindustrial partners and the public sector. He has published over 200 articles in international journals, refereed conferences, books andtechnical reports. He has also been presenting and giving lecturesabout his work in more than 45 countries worldwide.

Dorien Wijstma is adviseur Erfgoed & Onderwijs bij Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht. Zij adviseert, coacht en traint scholen en culturele instellingen en ontwikkelt educatieve projecten op het gebied van erfgoedonderwijs. Zij heeft als drijfveer leerlingen nieuwsgierig te maken naar waar ze wonen en de geschiedenis en verhalen uit hun eigen omgeving te ervaren, ontdekken en onderzoeken. Onlangs was zij betrokken bij een Europees onderzoeksproject - DICHE genaamd - over de meerwaarde van digitale middelen in erfgoedonderwijs en het stimuleren van 21e eeuwse vaardigheden (www.landschaperfgoedutrecht.nl/onderwijshttp://www.diche-project.eu/)
