Example (do not edit)

Thank you for your interest in participating in the study xxx. For this study, we are looking for participants of 18 years and older, residing in the Netherlands. Participation in the study is completely voluntary. If you want to participate, we do need your written consent. Before you decide whether you would like to participate in this study, you will receive an explanation of what the study entails. Please read this information carefully and contact the research team if you have any questions. 

If you have read the points below and agree to participate in the study, you can click on "I consent to participate in this study" below. You will then be automatically redirected to the survey. 

I consent to participate in this study

1. Background and purpose of the research

As part of my Master's thesis at the Faculty of Management at the Open University, I will be conducting research on the topic of xxx. My supervisor for this research is Dr. xxx

Describe research xxx

2. What participation means and what is expected of you

Your answers may help improve xxx. When participating in this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. You find the respective link at the bottom of this page. The questionnaire will take approximately xx minutes to complete. 

3. Possible advantages and disadvantages

By participating in the study, you contribute to scientific knowledge on the topic of xxx. No adverse effects are expected from participating in this study. Should you nevertheless experience unpleasant feelings after participating in this study, you can always contact the research team via email.

[At times during the study, sensitive questions may be asked about xxx. These questions may potentially bring up negative emotions. For example, a question like "I became depressed because of COVID-19." If this is the case, we recommend that you contact a health professional, such as your family doctor. If you experience unpleasant feelings during or after participating in this study, you can also contact the researchers at any time].

4. If you do not want to participate or want to stop the study

You decide whether you will participate in the research. Participation is voluntary. If you do not want to participate, this does not have any negative consequences for you. If you do participate, you can always change your mind and quit, even during the research. You do not have to explain why you quit. The data collected up to that moment may be used for the research.

5. End of participation

Your participation in the study ends once you have completed all questions and completed the questionnaire by submitting the data, or if you decide in the interim to stop participating in the study. The entire research is finished when all participants are ready.

6. Use and retention of your data

Personal data will be collected, used and stored for this study. It includes your age, gender, level of education, marital status, household composition and xxx. This data cannot be traced to you in any way. The collection, use and storage of your data is necessary to answer the questions asked in this study. The data will be processed in the thesis and cannot be traced back to you.

Data can also be shared with other researchers to conduct further research. The data that will be shared does not contain any information that can be traced back to you. Further research does not hold any consequences and will be fully anonymous.

7. Confidentiality of your data

The personal data we collect cannot identify you and as such can be securely stored within the Open University. Persons who have access to the information are members of the review committee in order to assess whether the research has been carried out reliably. 

8. Data retention period.

Your data must be retained by the Open University for 10 years.

9. More information about your rights in data processing

For general information about your rights when processing your personal data, please consult the website of the Authority for Personal Data. The Open University's privacy disclaimer can be found at www.ou.nl/privacy.

10. Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact the researchers before, during, and after the study at xxx@ou.nl.

Signing consent form

When you have had sufficient time to reflect on your participation in the study and decide to participate, you can click on the link to the questionnaire below. Your consent indicates that you have understood the information and agree to participate in the study. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely, also on behalf of Dr. xxx, supervisor of this study, Student Name

Declaration of consent to participate in the scientific study: 'xxx'.

  • I give permission for the data that is collected during this study to be used for this scientific research and I consent that the data not traceable to me may be shared with other researchers for further scientific research.
  • I have read the information brief related to this study above and I have had the opportunity to ask questions to the researcher if certain points were not clear.
  • I understand that all the information that I supply in relation to this study will be collected in a safe manner, will be published anonymously (if applicable) and therefore will not lead back to me.
  • I understand that I can pull out of the study at any time and I do not have to provide a reason for doing so.
  • I understand that the data is stored for a period of 10 years, in accordance with the VSNU guidelines
  • If you have read the above points and agree to participate in the study please digitally sign this consent form below by clicking on "I consent to participate in this study" below.

I consent to participate in this study


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