Project Partners & Catchments

Catchments Key characteristics
1. Laakbeek, municipality Beerse (BE) Small brook passes through the semi-urban village with flooding history. Not much space for adaptation measures.
2. the Culm River (UK) Brook passes a new ‘green’ development area and main railway. Flooding is the main HMH causing deterioration in water quality.
3. Liane (FR) Brook passes a rural area with urbanized banks causing flooding and soil erosion.
4. Aa of Weerijs (NL) Brook passes a rural area with a high density of tree nurseries for export. Main HMH is drought due to high water demand and flooding in moments of peak flows.
5. Porlock Vale (UK) Brook passes a steep valley, creating a high risk of flooding in several villages.
6. Somerset Levels and Moors (UK) Flooding at lower reaches in several villages.
7. Vlissingen (NL) Channelized brooks pass through the new ‘green’ development area. Flooding is the main HMH.
8. West Flanders (BE) Brook passes between two villages and has a history of flooding.
Map of catchment locations


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