T1A - User Experiences

For the first part of this task you will identify users that would benefit of a new climate service in the region of your choice (e.g. farmers). You will also identify the climate change challenge these users are facing, the goal they aim to achieve, and the core task they are required to perform in order to achieve this goal. 

The information entered in the table below. Identify three users. If you identify less than three users, consider how these users could be split up into separate groups. If you identify more than three users, consider how users can be grouped together and/or which users should be focused on (i.e. who are the most important users). It is likely that there will be overlap between users when it comes to challenges, goals, and tasks. However, the array of users should be diverse enough that there is at least some difference between the challenges they face, the goals they aim to achieve, and the core tasks they are required to perform.  


Once you are done filling out the table, you can proceed to the next part of this task. 

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