T2C - Understanding environmental modelling

We will start off by exploring the importance of modelling by reading a model description in a scientific article. A model descirption is not a documentation of a model - documentation requires much more elaboration on the model than in the case of a mere description. The description can be found in the following article:

Dumont, E., Harrison J. A., Kroeze C., Bakker E. J. & Seitzinger S. P. (2005). Global distribution and sources of DIN export to the coastal zone: results from a spatially explicit, global model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19, GB4S02. 

The article is available at: Global distribution and sources of dissolved inorganic nitrogen export to the coastal zone: Results from a spatially explicit, global model - Dumont - 2005 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles - Wiley Online Library

To do: Read the article and answer the questions below

  1. What is the goal of the model?
  2. Can the components of the model be distinguished clearly by looking at the differing functionalities?
  3. What type of model is described? Or are multiple types combined?
  4. How was the model evaluated? Dit this constitute a mere graphical comparison between models and measurements, or was an analysis of the accuracy, sensitivity, and uncertainties of components conducted?
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