0.2 Partners and Cooperation

Partner Locations Map

Cross-border approach

Cross-border cooperation is the only way to deliver the project’s objectives and results. A leader/follower approach is applied in co-creation (VLM) and spatial integration (PNB). PPs will form joint teams to peer review co-creation and pilot investments, for cross-border added value, and to evaluate them. PPs will jointly plan and prepare project outputs. Exchanges between partners will enable knowledge sharing and build long-term relationships for cross-border collaboration.

In our consortium we have partners with experience in adaptation techniques, stakeholder mobilisation and co-creation of public interventions. By putting these capacities together we create the opportunity to develop, pilot and demonstrate participative climate adaptation actions to increase the adaptation capacity of our partner regions. We can take the best of these differing approaches and skills and develop new hybrid approaches that improve the coordination between strategy and ground-based actions


Partner Logos
Interreg Logo​​​​​
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