0.1 About Co-adapt

The objective of Co-adapt is to develop, test and roll-out approaches to co-creation of nature based and natural process solutions to improve adaptive capacity of the 2Seas region to the water-related effects of climate change. The project will develop more open and transparent governance for adaptive water management by embedding co-creation in policy frameworks, especially spatial and water management strategies - leading to greater awareness and stakeholder-led action to improve climate resilience

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Co-Adapt will result in increased capacity to adapt to climate change and a region that is more flood & drought resilient. It will directly decrease risk of flood & drought to 30,000ha through co-created NBS, leading to €5.4M of savings from reduced damages, and €5.8M of savings compared to using traditional hard engineering. It will involve 3000 stakeholders in co-creation leading to changed public attitudes to water & climate risks, with 80% of participants feeling involved and supporting NBS measures.

Common Challenges

Co-Adapt identifies 3 barriers to climate adaptation:

  1. we need to move beyond existing actors and empower stakeholders to take practical action through a more open policy process;
  2. unsustainable development & land management practices have degraded ecosystems and the natural water management processes, increasing flooding and exacerbating the effects of drought;
  3. the effects of climate change are very uncertain, yet we need to make adaptation decisions now and need to find flexible, adaptive strategies that do not create high future costs.

New solutions need to be developed and applied to improve resilience. In a context of reduced public financing, better, more robust and cost-effective measures are needed. In response, Co-Adapt’s unique contribution is a strong focus on co-creation of nature based and natural process solutions, in the framework of adaptation pathways – three pillars supporting each other to deliver highly durable results.

Project Outputs

  1. Guide to the Co-Adapt framework, with tools for co-creation, adaptive pathways and NB&NPS, incl. e-Learning resources to support uptake of the Co-Adapt approach by professionals and organisations responsible for water and spatial management.
  2. Co-creation approaches to adaptive pathways planning for climate change adaptation developed and tested in 8 regions, engaging stakeholders to demonstrate new, climate-proofed approaches to adaptive water management to at risk communities and land-owners.
  3. Co-created adaptive water management solutions (nature based and natural process solutions) developed and tested in 8 catchments, demonstrating  to all stakeholders how natural flood management measures can deliver cost effective protection.
  4. A Crossborder strategy incorporating 2Seas vision, and regional transition roadmaps to replicate the Co-Adapt approach for adaptive water management to assist regional/local water and spatial management agencies to replicate and transfer the Co-Adapt approach.
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