Unit 3 - Nature-based Solutions
This unit covers Nature-based Solutions (NbS). We will discuss the principles of NbS, their benefits and what distincts them from traditional, ''hard'' solutions. The implementation of NbS has been an important goal within the Co-Adapt project, and this unit will cover some examples that have been implemented in various regions across Europe. In this unit's task you will use the climate impact analysis you performed in task 1 as a starting point and explore which NbS are most appropriate and effective for the region you chose. Then you will try to analyze the who the relevant stakeholders are in that particular region and how you can co-design NbS in a participatory way.
Upon completing this unit, you will:
1. Understand the principles and benefits of Nature-based solutions
2. Be familiar with a range of Nature-based solutions that have been implemented as part of the Co-Adapt project.
3. Be able to analyse which solution(s) are most appropriate and effective for certain risks in a particular region.
4. Analyze the relevant stakeholders in that region and consider tools for co-designing NbS together with the stakeholders.

Source: IUCN